2006 Blog now active


Happy Old 2005!


It was forecast to be hot today - 38*C - so getting out early was the best plan. I failed, the combined effects of night sweats and a (more moderated, but still out there) sinus headache. The kitchen was scrubbed thoroughly though in the process.

I left on my road bike, hoping to get in the first of many decent rides, with no clear plan of a route, however being prepared to take it as it comes. Given the weather, I headed north instead of towards the Cotter / Uriarra Loop to ensure that I had the option of shortening the ride, access to cold drinks and fewer hills to begin with.

With this in mind, I rambled through Gungahlin and out onto the Federal Highway, where I topped up my now hot an empty bidons at the 'servo at Eaglehawk Hill. A smooth roll down the freeway to the Tulip Farm, and then back along the highway. I was greeted with genuine disbelief when I rode through the 'drive thru' at McDonald's at Dickson for another refill of cold drinks with Ice. I got a great reception, and it was a good move, time and cost efficient.

Despite lots of traffic lights, I continued on through civic and up the parkway (memories of the Canberra Marathon), before clicking over my planned 60km for the day.

I felt magical! Perhaps it was just that I kept amply hydrated, however there was nil fatigue, heat effects or anything. Getting smart in my old age?

Bob and I took in a movie (an annual event for us I'm afraid) that afternoon and decided not to see in the new year with a cycling race on tomorrow (for Bob) and another scorching day predicted.

Here's to 2006!

Duck to Cloud City


It was an unusual start to the day, the morning spent unexpectedly cleaning and then catching up with a friend who had moved to Vienna and was briefly visiting Canberra. Bob was going camping with his nephews, however this kept changing and then contracted to a day trip.
Keen to get to Customs, I was madly changing when an email from Aki alerted me to the fact that it may not have been held - a phone call confirmed this and I regrouped to plan the remainder of the day. A game of telephone tag resulted in me arranging to cycle over and be inducted into the lore of Star Wars (the movie trilogy trilogy). I did see the original in about Year 8, but that's it. Aki thought that I needed education.
It took a lot less time to cycle to Aki's new home than I anticipated, despite getting every red light along the way! We had a great day (well I did!), finishing off with ice cream before I hit the road again to make sure that I got home in the light.

Well, the time has come to analyse and hopefully do things better.

Importantly - from Sunday my blog will be at a different address: http://flashduck.blogspot.com.

This is just a pinnicking housekeeping event to keep it to a reasonable size and make it more manageable for me.

I will also reset the totals on my watch from 1 January (somewhat reluctantly), erasing the 8,000 + kilometres on my cycling totals for a fresh new years start.

(to be continued)

Yuletide - Improves!


We left on our bikes later than planned (as expected!), without firm plans, to just enjoy ourselves and see how the traffic and day went.

First, from Exeter to Fitzroy Falls `~ the road was fairly busy at this time of year and it took me a while to get my bike legs back. Just before entering the Fitzroy Falls environs, the unaccustomed breakfast decided to exit, stage north, without fanfare and relatively little disruption, but necessitating a need to stop for drinks and to wash out my mouth at the visitors centre at the Falls.

We looked at the tourist map, and then headed up a quieter road past a fragrant lavender farm and winery to Robertson where we stopped again to purchase more bottled water and a couple of bread rolls at the bakery.

From our departure here, we joined the Kangaloon Rd which was certainly undulating, yet quiet, sheltered and scenic . . . perfect! I dropped behind Bob as I took a phone call from a neighbour over one of the sweeping descents around the reservoir, but we were just enjoying the day.

It was something of a rude shock to hit the built up traffic of the road into Burradoo, however the surface was good and there was a wide, smooth shoulder so the ride was fairly easy, if uneventful. The built-up new suburbia started to encroach, and the high cloud cover had cleared and the sun started to belt down. We decided to make the diversion through to Bowral to get more to drink, having exhausted our supplies.
Bowral was frantic in the post Christmas period, and we made the mistake of following the signs to Woolworth's for a drink, resulting in a magical mystery tour of endless car park ramps and paying top dollar for something to drink. We backtracked past the country club to the Burradoo roundabout and found something like nirvana for a while on a road with no traffic and smooth fast hot-mix. It was rather luxurious! I was excited to see the Chev oval where our own Lucky legs did her track work, but the smooth road surface was too good to last as we continued our way to the section of Highway to Moss Vale.
The busy road was at least improved a little with the addition of bike lanes. Another stop at Moss Vale for water and a check of the map; turn before crossing the railway line and it should be easy! Not as straightforward as expected, but we made it, finding the last couple of k's impossibly difficult as we backtracked to Exeter into a raging, hot headwind with some traffic thrown in. All up ~88 kilometres at a pedestrian, but pleasant pace.
A very welcome shower, a few cashews for a salt loading and then off to the Sutton Forest Pub with the household for a short, but competitive trivia night with impossible questions about obscure music and no politics, television, science, geography (insert all other things I know plenty about here). We was robbed. Lost the $100 prize by one point!

Yuletide - Continues!


It looks like Wobbly's (et al) get well wishes did some good, as we arrived at my sister's in Exeter mid-afternoon. It was the first time that we had visited here, and the first time that we were on the home turf of her newish (to me) partner, so we didn't quite know what to expect.

Upon arriving, two more chairs were pulled up for us at the kitchen table ~where twelve people were already sitting down and starting to serve themselves from large platters groaning with food. Rather magnificent food at that. After introductions (with all names quickly forgotten), we joined in, feeling very conspicuously under-dressed in shorts and t-shirts. We weren't warned about the 'company'. A very pleasant extended afternoon concluded with a guided tour as we walked around the grounds, already grand, but definitely a vision in progress.

And so it went into the evening, eventually saying goodbye to couples here and there, as neighbours and others continued to drop in. Finally it was apparent that there were three other house-guests that night, and we settled into our room, had a welcome bath and an early night.

Wednesday, 28 December

(but pleasant enough) sealed road. I was very sluggish to start, but, as per usual picked up as we went. Bob insisted we turn around after about 4.5 kms as I had been so crook, and I out-sprinted him (you have to pick your time for the challenge!) in the final dash.

Breakfast with the rest of the household, before changing into cycling clothes and heading out on our Touring machines (Cannondale F600 Mountain bikes with slicks and racks) for an exploration. There was a fair amount of holiday traffic, but I was keen to get onto some of the cycle friendly roads that I had seen around Lucky Legs' part of the woods and just get some time in my legs. Although hot to start the day, extensive high cloud cover meant that it was very pleasant for cycling.

Yuletide - A Retrospective


Yuletide – A Retrospective

Christmas itself was something of a write-off; Christmas Eve Saturday saw me in greater sinus pain and in bed. Still hopeful of getting to Sydney for Christmas day we didn’t make any arrangements. I struggled up indecently late (I’m still like a kid and like to be up early on Christmas morning to spread cheer), and barely lasted to drink a bit (water and coffee), in an attempt to assuage my big bad sore head. No luck.

Bob rang my sister to reluctantly explain (I have a super cool nieces sister and nieces and was really looking forward to it), while I staggered downstairs once more to rest a while. Bob went over to his nephews place in southern Canberra for lunch, at which time I feel deeply and thoroughly asleep, not waking until after 6pm, many hours after he had been home. I still felt pretty crook.

Boxing Day was a mixed bag; I felt even worse if anything until about 6pm, when I picked up, and just kept improving. My sister had suggested we could join her and her partner in the southern highlands a day or two later, and it was looking feasible for once.

The now-usual every-bone-battered with a baseball-bat feeling engulfed my morning face on Tuesday, but I did try to everything I could to feel better. I realised that if we were to go away for a night or two, I needed some more medication first and drove, and then waited, around to get the prescription filled on the public holiday. It was pretty late by the time we got away, but we diverted via Aki’s place so that I could drop off my Christmas pressie that I hoped would have some use over the next few days. She very thoughtfully gave me a very nice bracelet with which I am immensely touched.

About me

sunset weather

  • Six Foot Track 45k 11 March 2006
  • Entered!!!
  • Backpacking Laos & Vietnam 14 March to 26 April 2006
  • Flights Booked

  • Long Course Tri 2k/83k/20k 12 February 2006
  • Sri Chinmoy Long Course Tri 2.2k/80k/20k 6 March
  • Backpacking Laos & Vietnam 14 March to 26 April 2006
  • Thailand Temple Run 21k 19 March 2006

  • Customs 5k Fridays
  • BBQ Stakes  6k Wednesdays
  • Tour de Mountain 19k 18 December
  • 1:55:02 Results
  • Cross Country Summer Series 5k Tuesdays in November
  • Cool Runners Six Foot Track Slow Jog/Walk 46k 25-27 November
  • Wonderful!!
  • Sri Chimnoy Triple Tri Relay 20 November
  • 1:55:38 1:04:53 1:22:55 Results Report Photos
  • Tour de Femme 20k Fun Ride 13 November
  • 40:40ish
  • Bonshaw Cup 6.4k 16 November
  • 30:30ish
  • Hartley Lifecare Fun Run 5k 17 November
  • Belconnen Fun Run 6k 12 November
  • 28:38ish
  • Mt Majura Vineyard Two Peaks Classic 26k 5 November
  • Last! 3:08:00 Results Report
  • Wagga Tri-ants Duathlon 10k/40k/5k 30 October
  • Scratching
  • Bulls Head Challenge 27k 23 October
  • 2:20:49 Results
  • Weston Creek Fun Run 6k 16 October
  • 32:02 Results Results
  • Fitzroy Falls 42k & 10k 15 October
  • Results
  • Orroral Valley 20k 9 October
  • 1:52:44 Results
  • Sri Chinmoy 10k 3 October
  • 0:50:14 Results
  • Duathlon Championships 10k/40k/5k 23 September
  • 3:09:07 Results
  • Canberra Times 10k 18 September
  • 0:45:30 CR TE AM!
  • Sydney Marathon 11 September 3:47:13
  • ACTVAC Half Marathon 21.1k 28 August
  • Entered DNS
  • Black Mtn UpDown GutBuster 5.2k 16 August 0:33:38
  • Results
  • Mt Wilson to Bilpin Bush Run 35k 20 August 3:15:14
  • Results
  • City to Surf 14k 14 August 64:17
  • Bush Capital Mtn Runs 25k 30 July  
  • 2:17:09 Results
  • Shoalhaven King of the Mtn 32k 17 July
  • 2:53:15 Results
  • Sri Chinmoy Off Road Duathlon 3.3k/23k/7.7k 2 July 2:40:29
  • Results
  • Woodford to Glenbrook  25k 26 June DNF Injured Results
  • Terry Fox 10k 19 June 46:59
  • Results
  • Aust Mtn Running Champs9k 18 June 1:06:33
  • Results
  • ACTVAC Monthly Handicap 9k Farrer Ridge 29 May 0:46:05
  • ACT Mtn Running Champs  9k 28 May 1:06:50
  • Results
  • SMH Half Marathon 22 May 1:41:56 (1:40:50)
  • Results
  • ABS Fun Run 7.3k 19 May 0:34:45
  • Results
  • Canberra Half Marathon 15 May injured Results
  • Sri Chimnoy 10k 8 May 0:47:55
  • Results
  • Nail Can Hill Run  1 May 56:23
  • Results
  • Newcastle Duathlon  24 April 2:45:39.2
  • Results
  • Canberra Marathon  10 April 3:47:56
  • Results
  • Women & Girls 5k 3 April 22:53
  • Results
  • Sri Chimnoy 10k 28 March 47:56
  • Results
  • Weston Creek Half Marathon 13 March 1:43:23
  • Results
  • Sri Chimnoy Long Course Tri 6 March 5:30:35
  • Results
  • Hobart International Triathlon 20 February 2:52:05

  • Canberra Capital Triathlon 30 January 3:01:43
  • Results
  • Medibank Private Australia Day8k 26 January 38:39
  • Results
  • Lorne Pier to Pub Swim 1.2k 8 January 22:12
  • Results
  • Lorne Mountain to Surf 8k 7 January 0:37.56
  • Results

    Waning Crescent   
    1% of Full   
    Fri 28 Mar, 2025   
    moon phases

  • 5k 20:11 Cairns 2000
  • 10k 43:49 Moruya
  • City to Surf 1:02:57 2000
  • Half Marathon 1:33:50 Steamboat 2000
  • Marathon 3:47:56 Canberra 2005
    Chip Time (3:47:13) Sydney 2005

  • Kilometres Run
    January 212
    February 199
    March 214
    April 201
    May 188
    June 182
    July 255
    August 246
    September 155
    October 159
    November 200
    December 62
    Year to Date 2,267

    Last posts

  • 2006 Blog now active
  • Happy Old 2005!
  • Duck to Cloud City
  • 2005 - A Retrospective / 2006 - A Prospective
  • Yuletide - Improves!
  • Yuletide - Continues!
  • Yuletide - A Retrospective
  • Revenge of the Sinusitis
  • Tasting by the Lake
  • Happy Anniversary Darling!

  • Days Sick
    January 10
    February 10
    March 10
    April 4
    May 7
    June 8
    July 9
    August 11
    September 11
    October 11
    November 9
    December Lots. ?15

    Distance Swum
    February 17,400m
    October 3,800m
    November 4,150m
    December .
    Distance Cycled
    November 120km
    December 297 km