Duck to Cloud City

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It was an unusual start to the day, the morning spent unexpectedly cleaning and then catching up with a friend who had moved to Vienna and was briefly visiting Canberra. Bob was going camping with his nephews, however this kept changing and then contracted to a day trip.
Keen to get to Customs, I was madly changing when an email from Aki alerted me to the fact that it may not have been held - a phone call confirmed this and I regrouped to plan the remainder of the day. A game of telephone tag resulted in me arranging to cycle over and be inducted into the lore of Star Wars (the movie trilogy trilogy). I did see the original in about Year 8, but that's it. Aki thought that I needed education.
It took a lot less time to cycle to Aki's new home than I anticipated, despite getting every red light along the way! We had a great day (well I did!), finishing off with ice cream before I hit the road again to make sure that I got home in the light.

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