Training continues today!
Published Monday, December 19 by Carolyne | E-mail this post
Training Day 2 82 Days to the Six Foot TrackPurpose: Recovery Run Stats: Garmin PolarStart Time: 11:18:21 Total Distance: 15.38 k 14.922 kTotal Time: 1:32:16 Avg Pace: 5:59 mpk 6:19 mpkTotal Calories: 994 kCals 934 kCalsAvg HR: 162 bpm 143 bpmG’Day, Rip van Duck here. Just ‘rested my eyes’ what seemed like a few moments ago when Hodge was quietly noodling his way past his century. Next thing I know, he scores a double and Punter declares! Without the car, I went for a run from home today, close to lunchtime. The weather was still very mild, although it is expected to warm up during the week. It felt a little silly heading out the door in full battle dress; Fuel Belt with 2 300ml bottles; mobile; camera (to see how it was to carry); earphones and radio clipped on to my HRM strap; and a comprehensive ‘dashboard’ of Polar S625X™ on my left wrist, and Forerunner 301 on the right. I haven’t been so loaded up for ages, perhaps since last summer, but as this was the first ’training’ day in my Six Foot Track assault, I needed to get used to building up my training runs after a very slack month or six weeks.
Despite the temptation of heading up to Black Mtn Tower to get some serious hill training in, I just wanted to get some slow miles in my legs today after the Tour de Mountain yesterday. I set my imaginary friend to let me know when I had covered 10kms in one hour, I hoped to put 10k under my belt, although didn’t have any plans or route in mind.As usual I was delighted with the getting out for a nice, solo run in the great bush around home. It was as spectacular as usual, and I soon felt thirsty and was pleased that I brought water with me. I seemed sluggish, and doubted I would make the 10k, however trundled around the start of the Aranda bushland and planned to just follow my nose. I was annoyed with myself to find that I had suffered from time-zone amnesia once again when I attempted to tune in to the cricket at 11:30 am and only then remembered that with the difference in time to the West, it wouldn’t start for hours. There had been considerable work on the Gungahlin Drive Extension (GDE) around the underpass of Caswell Drive when I found my way through this morning, and turned south with no route in mind. It was a lovely ramble, although as usual it was nearly 10kms into the run that I started to wake up and seemed to hit my straps. At this stage I was on the loop around Little Black Mountain and checking the Forerunner found that if I really pushed it, I could just about crack it up to an average of 6 minute pace. Start slow, finish strong!
I took a couple of photos along the way, however was not prepared to stop, so they are rather shaky. No problem in carrying the camera though! I felt like I could go on forever, however had to remind myself to hasten slowly, and not do too much today. I humoured myself by not backtracking, and ended up home with 15 slow kilometres under my now long empty Fuel Belt.
Ha ha, people rubbish me for being geared up when I run! Now I feel so much better.
Looking forward to following your training as those days tick over to 6ft Track.
wow - huge resistance training session from the sounds of it! Just what DIDN'T you take with you?