Yuletide - A Retrospective

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Yuletide – A Retrospective

Christmas itself was something of a write-off; Christmas Eve Saturday saw me in greater sinus pain and in bed. Still hopeful of getting to Sydney for Christmas day we didn’t make any arrangements. I struggled up indecently late (I’m still like a kid and like to be up early on Christmas morning to spread cheer), and barely lasted to drink a bit (water and coffee), in an attempt to assuage my big bad sore head. No luck.

Bob rang my sister to reluctantly explain (I have a super cool nieces sister and nieces and was really looking forward to it), while I staggered downstairs once more to rest a while. Bob went over to his nephews place in southern Canberra for lunch, at which time I feel deeply and thoroughly asleep, not waking until after 6pm, many hours after he had been home. I still felt pretty crook.

Boxing Day was a mixed bag; I felt even worse if anything until about 6pm, when I picked up, and just kept improving. My sister had suggested we could join her and her partner in the southern highlands a day or two later, and it was looking feasible for once.

The now-usual every-bone-battered with a baseball-bat feeling engulfed my morning face on Tuesday, but I did try to everything I could to feel better. I realised that if we were to go away for a night or two, I needed some more medication first and drove, and then waited, around to get the prescription filled on the public holiday. It was pretty late by the time we got away, but we diverted via Aki’s place so that I could drop off my Christmas pressie that I hoped would have some use over the next few days. She very thoughtfully gave me a very nice bracelet with which I am immensely touched.

1 Responses to “Yuletide - A Retrospective”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Flash! So sorry your health is still not right. Sending some "get better soon" wishes to you!

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