Revenge of the Sinusitis

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Nothing much to report (Bah, Humbug).

I was failing rapidly this week, and although I put on my running gear and cycling gear early with the intention of cycling to the shops and then do the BBQ Stakes . . . . I ended up lying down before I got on my bike, even though I had the bike ready with the garmin on to lock onto satellites.

And I lay down, and lay down and lay down . . .

When it was apparent that I wasn't getting to the Stakes, I took my contact lenses out and stripped off the layer of cycling clothes, and promptly slept for three hours or so in my running gear. My face had been aching for a while, but the sinus pain had really started to hit me overnight on Tuesday.

If Wednesday was bad, Thursday was terrible. Panadeine Forte didn't take the edge off, as I awoke with a shocking head before 4:00am. It was a shocking day of pain, only eased by sleep. Bob was able to take me to the doctor today, where I got my ?fifth course of antibiotics. I don't feel up to talking or moving - yet. So much for days 3-7 of my training!

Hopefully they'll kick in soon and I will be up and about. But in the meantime, it hurts :(

7 Responses to “Revenge of the Sinusitis”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Sorry to hear the sinus is playiing up so bad :-(

    But - have a fantastic Christmas FD.

    Cheers, 2P :-)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi Flash! I'm sorry to hear you are not so flash but I know you will bounce back stronger and faster in 2006.

    Hope we can catch up at Canberra in April. All the best for Christmas to you and yours!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi Flashduck,

    Hope you get better soon. Have a good xmas.


  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi Flash Duck.

    I ope by the time you read this you are feeling a whole lot better. Take care and have a great Christmas.


  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hope you and Flashdrake have a good Christmas.

    And get better soon.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Flashduck, I hope you have a great Christmas and enjoy the time you spend with the family. :) See you all too soon in the New Year for more running adventures, and here's to 2006 being good to you! :)

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I know about sinus pain Flashduck and it is not pleasant at all. Hang in there, you will get better and be back before you know it.

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