Trip to the GP for 'the Usual, Thanks'

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Spent pretty much all day Monday in bed and asleep. Boy do I have an enormous capacity to sleep whenever I get the slightest bit crook!

It is pretty tricky to get an appointment with our GP; if you know you need an advance or future appointment, make it now and you might get in within the next two or three weeks. The alternative is to ring at the dot of 8:30 am; too early and you get a pre-recorded message, too late, they’re all booked up, on time, you’re likely to hear the engaged signal but keep trying.

Managed to get in at high noon – enough time to do a couple of loads of sheets from the night before (dragsville). To keep it simple, I stated that the heavy cold seemed to leave a legacy of a painful ear, and I was getting it checked out to see if there was an infection. To my great surprise, the ears were normal, but the ol’ faithful sinus’ had a massive infection which was referring pain to the ear. Of course. They’ve been cleaned out twice, and there is not enough bone to remove anymore. Constant infections, resulting in chronic post nasal drip (spit, snort, spit) and sore head, eyes, nose, throat . . .sound familiar?

A two week course of y old friend, antibiotics, a steroid nasal spray and psuedoepherdriene tablets should help. In the meantime, I’ll probably stay out of the pool, and only do some gentle stuff when the stuffed nose goes.


4 Responses to “Trip to the GP for 'the Usual, Thanks'”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Carolyne, take it easy, girl! Slow down for a bit..the pace you're going is wearing me out!!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You poor thing. All that sleep should help hopefully. Do hope you're much better soon. At least you now have a treatable diagnosis for the ear. You have achieved so much lately. The enforced rest will do you good!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I wish you the speediest of recoveries, Carolyne.

    My advice: take it easy.

    It's good advice. I know we both have trouble following it.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Take care FD. :)

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