Mt Majura revisited

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Bob is flying out tonight, so no Geoff's group.

Instead, I met the legendary Carol for a run on Mt Majura. I certainly held her back, compounded by my legs being ever slower after a couple of heavier days. Great conditions, although the continuing dry and warm weather has meant that the track had further deteriorated into a thick sandy mush in places. Including the point where the track has a 28.5% gradient!

Two laps of the Mountain Running Course, including the single track through the pines, and a couple of kilometres each way from where we parked the cars. Good value!

Bob and I then went to Bernadette's - or rather I had a BYO FortiJuice while he tucked into a Tofu Burger, and enjoyed a reasonable coffee. A few trips back and forth to the airport delivering bikes and checking in, back home for Bob to change and eat dinner, and then back again. Now I can finish my blog from yesterday and catch up on things.

1 Responses to “Mt Majura revisited”

  1. Blogger Ewen 

    So, that was a tune-up for Sunday Carolyne? How could that track get any worse! Maybe if it rains you'll be running up a waterfall of mud next weekend!!

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