Nothing about Running here

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Feel good, just out of time when awake!

Spent the morning chopping and prepping kilos of onions, garlic, potatoes, kumara and silverbeet for a couple of Carolyne-style Spanish Tortilla. This potato omelette is a lighter version of the traditional casa tortilla which is prepared with liberal quantities of olive oil. I usually prepare a couple at a time, finished in the oven, with lots of vegetables and little oil and eggs only to bind. Stored then in the fridge, Bob can slice himself a wedge or three whenever he needs a substantial snack or quick meal between training or if home late at night. Lots of carbs, lots of flavour and 'good tucker'. His usual accompaniment is Sweet Chilli Sauce ~ a strange cultural mix, although one he swears works. He is feeling omnivorous at the moment, so I tossed some batons of chorizo through as well.

Another beautiful day with a 19 degree temperature range. I went for a short spin on the road bike for the first time in far too long. I enjoyed it greatly, only a 20km loop, but back in the saddle. Coupled with doing a lot of climbing up and down the ladder to sort out the storage shelves I got very weary and climbed into bed. Sleep came soon and I slept for quite a few hours in the afternoon. I had had a fairly dry night and a good night's sleep which was a relief. I am interested in Mister G's idea of endocrine system stress, muscles are good, immune system is fairly strong (for this little duck), but I realise that there is 'something else' I need to account for. Stay healthy, stay uninjured.

I am really excited about the Test starting tonight. Thank heavens for SBS!

4 Responses to “Nothing about Running here”

  1. Blogger CJ 

    Yum - that Carolyne-style Spanish Tortilla sounds delicious! It was a beautiful day today - shame I spent most of it in a pokey training room learning about an on-line financial management system. Take care - stay healthy!

  2. Blogger Jen 

    Those Carolyne-style Spanish Tortillas sound delish !!

  3. Blogger Unknown 

    Sounds like my favourite food, FD! I'll let you know when I intend to drop by your place! Hope to see you in Sydney again!

  4. Blogger Sarah 

    Hey, I'd love to join you on your next ride!!

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