I feel better now

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A little anyway!

Took lots of anti-inflammatories yesterday evening and when I woke overnight. I found that resting in the bath with my hands and arms submerged helped the pain heaps . . . I didn't have the energy to get down to the pool and sit in the Spa/Steamroom yesterday, but will do so whenever I get the chance. Thank heavens school holidays are due to finish!

Thanks everyone for the fantastic words of encouragement; it really helps and makes Plan C(ii) more palatable. Just in case this doesn't clear up as quickly as it started and I am able to resume normal running, I'd like to stay connected as a CR mobile CheerSquad and mentor. I'm sure that it won't come to that, however this is unnervingly like how I was in 1993 when it hit with a vengeance. Sure, there have been a lot of remissions and relapses along the way, but I should try to not get too despondent and toss out all running related info along the way again.

6 Responses to “I feel better now”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That is Fantastic news. Glad that you are Feeling better and hope you keep improving. Must have been the Rain overnight - "Duck to Water" lol
    Hope to see you running soon

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yes, please don't do that again. :p You deserve the right to remember that you have done a lot of amazing things, and people who have had more luck in the health area than you haven't accomplished a millionth of what you have done. I am happy to see that you are getting better, but TAKE IT EASY! If the baths help, do more than 1, etc. You know the way. :)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ducky, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better but don't you dare toss out all your running related stuff again. You have bounced back before; you will bounce back again. Just take things easy & look after yourself. I'm thinking of you,


  4. Anonymous Anonymous 


    One step at a time.

    And look after the diet.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm so glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Don't be disheartened if your progress is slow. When my health problems seem overwhelming the mantra that works for me is "two steps forward and one step back still puts me one step ahead." I hope that helps!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Good to hear you are able to get out and about FD.

    I love all your stories about the fab cafes in Canberra. I'll be consulting you before my next visit :-)

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