(or why am I so slack, that I blame the weather)
Having increased my swimming from 0 to 10 kms in a week, I know that I should have a day out of the pool. Went to Customs Joggers at lunchtime today in cool and mild conditions, with the plan to run moderately for the 5k, then have an easy 6 or 7k cooldown afterwards.
A little underwhelming at the start of the handicap, wedged between the slower and faster runners on my own. Found that I hadn't tied my shoe laces up when I started running, and so stopped to tie them. My mind kept wandering - saw someone jogging in the other direction I haven't seen for ages, made plans for the weekend and so on until about 1.5k into the run when I realised how much my mind was drifting. Focussed a bit more and came home strongly, although my heartrate did peak at 200 bpm. During the first kilometre it averaged only 97 bpm
There was a huge turnout today in the cooler conditions and with end of school holidays. After catching up with people, I did an easy flat 6k and enjoyed it. Plans for longer runs on the weekend with I hope will coincide with warmer weather and the return of our fleeting summer.
Fellow Bloggers
Distance Swum
Distance Cycled
297 km
It's going to be a good weekend, Flashduck! Love that name! Enjoy the sun whilst it's out! LL