DNS ~ a slacker or sensible

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I think that I've come down pretty firmly on sensible already. I didn't ever perk up yesterday evening, and struggled to get my gear organised for the Half Marathon this morning during a couple of hours of cricket. Medium level night sweat, but I woke up with quite a headache which just got worse when I moved. I called Bob into the bathroom when I'd finished bathing to ask his advice ~ and with little guilt, prompting remade the bed with fresh sheets, rolled between the covers (with a dinky Qantas eye-patch on because of the light), and slept through until he returned home from the Vets Half Marathon.

The headache has barely improved, and my glands are sore around my neck, and sinus' cavities in the face feel as though I have been battered with Matthew Hayden's Brett Lee's cricket bat. Having just read Wobbly Man's lament about DNF'ing the Devil's Bend Half Marathon on the message-board, I am even more convinced of the wisdom of my actions. I know too well, that on this loop-of-the-lake course, there is little provision for cutting it short.

The biggest disappointment is in not seeing CJ and Strewth today and have them sign their entry forms for the Cool Running Canberra Times Team. I must try and fix that up tomorrow.

7 Responses to “DNS ~ a slacker or sensible”

  1. Blogger Aki 

    N/M I think it's better you take the prep for Sydney easy. Running today might have ruined it oraffected your level of confidence. Congrats on being sensible!

  2. Blogger Jen 

    With Sydney only 2 weeks to go, I think you took the (very) sensible and right approach today. Wish I could learn to be as sensible as you!! J

  3. Blogger CJ 

    You are being very sensible - something I'm still trying to fine-tune. However, I started the half today with the plan of sticking to 5min/km pace and stuck to it! So consequently felt good and not tired when I finished. Ran another 8km this afternoon to bring my total time for running today to 2hr 30min - the time on my training program. Take care and maybe we might see you tomorrow - but only if you're feeling better.

  4. Blogger Wobbly man 

    Sounds to me like you made a great decision in not starting. Save your energy for Sydney...and enjoy a long taper.

  5. Blogger miners 

    Don't dice with the garmin-flu Carolyne!! Sensible decision with the marathon so close now. Best of luck with the rest of your training

  6. Blogger Gronk 

    Good to see your listening to your body FD. Take care. Gronk :)

  7. Blogger RunDave 

    Good decision FD, I paid the price for not listening to my body last year, the result: 8 weeks off with the flu instead of 3. Thanks for the comments on my blog. RD

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