A quiet, but good day

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Bob and I were tired yesterday, although it wasn’t the world’s most demanding event we were both running on the back of pretty ordinary weeks. I slept deeply, with a fascinating lucid dream of a (small) crocodile coming into our home, holding on to my leg with its jaws, and not letting go. Day 2 saw me direct it to ‘Sit’ and ‘Stay’ which it gladly did, befriending and protecting the cat and being a very well behaved house pet (although being brought home dead – it was a dream after all!).

I must be tired, because I’m not even tempted to give it the most cursory analysis; I’m disappointed we haven’t got a housetrained crocodile ‘pup’ to protect us when I woke up.

Bob made another appointment for us both to see our GP as the test results were in. I was keen to know if I had to travel up to Sydney for tests on Friday (or more correctly be granted approval to cancel). We both went, and there is a bit of follow-up for us both, although unfortunately the surgeon hadn’t been contactable, so that is still hanging. I filled Bob in on the results of my bed hunting expedition on Saturday over a cup of cheap ($2.90) but rather bitter coffee (long black, no sugar) at Black Pepper. é muscia next door was shut on Monday. Their coffee was over the standard Canberra price ($3.50 a cup) but was well made and smooth, with none of the burnt aftertaste of that I had today.

We wound our way home, where I climbed into bed for yet another snooze. I missed having a swim with Just Tri It as I was so tired which is very disappointing, especially as the school holidays have now finished and it would have been very pleasant. I have now read on her blog that she is due to have all her wisdom teeth out so maybe I’ll be able to help out later in the week.

Woke too late to do any exercise, despite it being a very pleasant day. Bob is helping out in the electorate office for the rest of the week, so I’ll have a bit more freedom with my time. I need to test out my diminished fitness and see what happens. Tomorrow!

3 Responses to “A quiet, but good day”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dreaming about crocodiles .... crikey!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I wish I had a house trained crocodile too! What a cool pet ;-)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Don't worry about missing the swim!! After 200m I realised I was going to struggle and barely got 1000m out before I gave up and got out.... I felt like an absolute rock!

    We should share dream stories one day - I have really vivid weird dreams as well :)

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