What to say?
Now I have read some of the posts on the Cool Running site about the wash-up to the Half on Sunday and don't know what else to add to such positive and eloquent posts.
It was an excellent start to the day walking across the bridge to the start of the race. Many others were doing the same thing, and the sunrise to the east was a wonderful backdrop to a great day.
The only concern was my inability to strap my ankle in the morning. I had made some attempts, although when I finally had a smooth taping, the base level seemed too tight for comfort given my experience on Friday, so I removed this sticky mess and left it as is ~ I had now exhausted my supply of tape, so that was that.
I saw Gronk heading towards the start and offered my encouragement. It was amazing coming into the marshaling area of the start and seeing an ocean of cool running caps, it made me feel quite proud. I lost Bob at this stage yet I knew that we would catch up at the end and he would be ensuring a good starting position for himself near the line. Action passed nearby and gave me a winning smile, and all was good with the world. Despite obtaining a good position myself, it took longer to cross the start line than I imagined, so I was quite happy that the idea today was to finish rather than chase a PB.
For the run itself ~ the greatest joy came from the Blue and Yellow clad CR's around the place; Johnny Dark chatting to me before powering away up Hunter Street; the absolutely inspirational Cheer Squad; seeing Lucky Legs and Miss Skarmel smiling as they moved along; a few collegiate words exchanged with Tim; and a sense of pride at seeing all those others from the leaders to the back of the pack cheering and supporting each other.
At the end I saw Miss Skarmel and the ill-looking L'il Elf who sadly had to DNF. With the sense of family in the CR community I felt gutted for her. Get better soon, Elf.
My ankle was OK ~ I had been most conscientious in doing my exercises, icing and wandering around like a punk Frankenstein clad in Glad Wrap. The corresponding hamstring was however of more of a concern during the first part of the run, until I succeeded in dissociating sufficiently to ignore it.
Overall, I may have been disappointed with my time, (about 1:42:something I think), however it was still way better than I considered possible since the sprain. I was far more disappointed in not managing to find Lucky Legs and others at the finish to cheer and catch up with.
A top day, and I am further enthused to enter the Sydney Marathon in 16 weeks time. I now have Bob's imprimatur, and a good time-frame for a new goal.
Bring it on.Cool Running Cheer Squad
Fellow Bloggers
Distance Swum
Distance Cycled
297 km
Congratulations on your run Flash Duck. I know you may be a bit disappointed with your time but considering your injury interrupted preparation, you did well to run and finish. Good luck with the preparation for Sydney.